Monday, July 21, 2008

Eastern Redbud - Cercis canadensis

I was happy it rained last night. That means I wouldn't have to water in the morning, which would give me some extra time. I just fertilized the lawn Milorganite, so I was glad the rain would work it into the soil. Unfortunately when I woke up, my Eastern Redbud - Cercis canadensis was split right down the center. It perfect framed an area at the end of a brick path, by the back gate. It had a beautiful clematis growing through it. It was an area of the garden that I had mentally put my "finished" stamp on it.

Now I have to decide what to put in its place. Do I go for looks or something usefull. If I go for looks, I will need to factor in the large red leaved Chinese Maple next to it. Perhaps a Ginko or a Honey locust - Gleditsia triacanthos. I like the Honey locust because in the Fall the leaves turn yellow and will look good against the red leaved Chinese Maple. Also, there is not a lot a leaf litter. However, I have been on a permaculture kick, so I was thinking about a tree that could provide something edible. I have a small Cornelian cherry dogwood - Cornus mas growing at my parent's house. I believe the berries are edible. Also, it would be free.

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